Clubs & Organizations
Students in the Biological Sciences Department can gain career-related experience by participating in clubs and organizations emphasizing career skills and connections. Current clubs associated with the Biological Sciences Department include:
Cal Poly Pre-Dental Society
Our purpose as a club is to provide information to educate and prepare students about the field of dentistry and various aspects of the dental profession. Through the club, we make contacts with professionals in the San Luis Obispo County area to create relationships and learn from people who are living our future. We offer resources for many students - whether they want to be a dentist, dental specialist, assistant, dental hygienist, etc. We also work as a support group to help each other get into dental school with as much ease as possible. We hold manual dexterity workshops, visit dental schools, bring in guest dental speakers & admissions representatives, and give basic information on what classes to take and how to prepare for dental school.
The club also provides the opportunity to give back to our nearby communities through dental-related community service. We learn best from our peers who have done the same thing, so sharing our experiences and ideas knocks down all obstacles between us and our future as dentists. Some events we volunteer at include: Give Kids A Smile, CDA Cares, and other local San Luis Obispo community events
Our club was founded in 1999 by a student who is now a practicing dentist in San Luis Obispo County!
Please email for updated meeting times and locations.
You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram
Left: Photo courtesy of Cal Poly ASDA
American Medical Student Association 
AMSA is a pre-health professions society for students planning careers in health care fields. The American Medical Student Association is a pre-health professions society for students planning careers in health care fields. The club offers speakers from various health fields, assists in planning undergraduate study, provides an opportunity to get to know faculty, provides community service opportunities, and offers networking between fellow students with similar interests and goals. AMSA is a chance to begin preparing now for your work in the health care field.
Please email for updated meeting times and locations and follow the Facebook page for more information.
Contact the advisors: Our faculty advisors are Megan Farrier-Nolan, who can be reached at, and Emily Taylor, at

The Biotechnology Club
The Biotechnology Club educates members about the applications of biotechnology in industrial, medical, and agricultural fields. Club activities mainly consist of listening to guest speakers from the biotechnology industry and getting hands-on experience by touring biotechnology facilities. We also host a career fair during the Winter quarter. Past facility tours include the Microbiology Lab at French Hospital, Baileyana Winery, MedImmune, Promega, and Santa Cruz Biotechnology. Future tours include Genentech, Baxter, and Central Coast Pathology. We meet for one hour every other Thursday at 11:10 a.m. (University Union hour) during the academic year in room 053-0202.
Club president: Kae Nurge
Faculty advisor: Dr. Yeung
Contact the club:
If you are interested, please fill out this survey:
I am interested in the Cal Poly Biotechnology Club
Left: Photo courtesy of Biotech Club
The Wildlife Club
Wildlife Club members share an interest and concern for the environment. Activities are geared toward developing a realistic approach to solving problems involving animals and their habitats. The Wildlife Club coordinates hikes and trips and informs people of volunteer and outreach programs to expand their environmental connections. The club is a source of knowledge and resources and aims to help members expand their interests and educational goals.
Advisors: Professor John Perrine & Dr. Tim Bean
Women in Science @ Cal Poly
WiS@CP is a society dedicated to furthering the academic success and career goals of members through professional and academic events. Our focus is to aid in the success of collegiate women pursuing a career in the sciences and promote diversity in the STEM fields. Activities are varied and include: career-oriented workshops to improve skills such as resume building and interviewing for jobs, Q&A panels focused on scientific research, and having speakers in the field talk about their experiences as women in science. In addition to this, we strive to connect members with as many useful resources as possible, including job and volunteer opportunities, and make sure that all different majors within the club are represented equally.
We also host a variety of fun social events in order to build a supportive community among our members, and are inclusive to all genders and identities. We are always working towards creating the most valuable and enjoyable experience possible for our members, and take all input into account!
Please contact with any questions.
You can find us on Instagram
To be added to our mailing list, you can fill out this form: WiS@CP Mailing List
Plants, Peaks & Pals Club 
A community for outdoor enthusiasts. We climb peaks in and around San Luis Obispo, share stories about plants and the natural history along the way, and become lifelong friends!
For more information please watch our video...
Camellia Club
If you like tea and plants, please join our community of tea lovers and plant enthusiasts. We meet every two weeks.
For more information, please watch our video...
Genetic Counseling Student Interest Group
We are a student interest group dedicated to educating students about the field of genetic counseling as well as creating a supportive environment for future genetic counselors and allied professionals of all majors and backgrounds. Our club aims to bring an understanding of genetic counseling to Cal Poly. GCSIG is for everyone who is interested in or wants to enter into the field of genetic counseling regardless of year, major, or level of GC exposure. Our events include: hosting guest speakers: GC program directors, GC students, practicing GCs of various specialties, etc, Q&A events with CP alumni, CP Advisors and Professors, Resume, CV and Interview workshops, Advocacy and extracurricular activity opportunities, Practicing fundamental genetic concepts, Watching mock sessions and discussion, Case studies, and more!
You can find us on Instagram at @calpolygcsig, or email us at with any questions

Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) - Not Active
Tri-Beta is an honorary and professional society for students of the biological sciences. Activities are designed to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment, and investigation in the biological sciences. Tri-Beta is a national society affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of the Sciences. The society emphasizes sound scholarship, dissemination of scientific knowledge, and promotion of biological research. The Epsilon Pi Chapter on the Cal Poly campus was founded in 1952 and is one of over 400 chapters in the nation. ANYONE can apply to become an associate member of Tri Beta. Before joining, members must:
- have completed the first quarter of their second year in a four-year curriculum,
- have taken at least three biology courses, one of which cannot be an introductory course,
- have a B average or above overall or in their biology courses.
Join us every other week (starting the second week of the quarter) in Fisher Science (33) room 289 at 11:10 a.m. To join Tri Beta, just send us an email at, or visit our Facebook page at for additional information. The cost is $35 for an associate membership, $45 for a regular membership, and $10 to be promoted from associate to regular membership. These are one-time fees resulting in a lifetime membership. All members receive a card and a certificate recognizing their membership. Regular members receive a Tri Beta key chain and honor chord for when they graduate.
Contact the advisor: Assistant Professor Alejandra Yep
Left: Photo courtesy of Tri-Beta Club