Faculty and Staff
Biological Sciences Department
California Polytechnic State University
1 Grand Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0401
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0401
Name | position | phone | office |
office hours |
Department Chair & Professor |
khillers | 756-1481 | 33-274 |
Mon: 1:00-3:00 & Wed: 10:30-12:00 |
Doctor, Katie | Budget Analyst | kdoctor | 756-5241 | 33-272 | |
Wyzlic, Miranda |
Administrative Analyst |
mwyzlic | 756-5242 | 33-273 |
Reeves, Kristin |
Administrative Support Coordinator |
kreeve01 | 756-2788 |
33-281 |
M-F 9:00-12:00 & 1:00-4:00 |
Faculty - Tenured and Tenure-Track
Lecturers - Full Time
Name | position | phone | office |
office hours |
Bunting, Jamie | Lecturer | bunting | 756-2557 | 33-366 | |
Dann, Delaney | Lecturer | dcdann | 756-2826 | 33-365 |
Jones, Michael | Lecturer | mjones99 | 756-2906 | 33-263 | |
Moniz, Haley | Lecturer | hmoniz | 33-268 |
Lecturers - Part Time & Guest Faculty
Name | position | phone | office |
office hours |
Babu, Praveen | Lecturer | pbabu | 756-5376 | 53-220 | |
Davis, Aubrey | Lecturer | adavis99 | 20-119A | ||
Debruhl, Heather | Lecturer | hdebruhl | 756-2877 | 33-257A also by Zoom link | |
Gastall, Lauren | Lecturer | lgastall | None | 53-220 | |
Hendricks, Steve | Lecturer | srhendri | None | 33-383 | |
Huggins, Michael | Lecturer | mthugins | None | Conservatory | |
Jew, Kara | Lecturer | kjew | None | 33-368 | |
McConnico, Laurie | Lecturer | lmcconni | None | 53-108 | |
Neal, Emily | Lecturer | erusch | None | 33-368 | |
Paolilli, Dena | Lecturer | dpaolill | None | Conservatory | |
Polacek, Kelly Myer | Lecturer | kpolacek | None | 53-110 | |
Roest, Michele | Lecturer | mroest | None | 33-278 | |
Ryan, Sean | Lecturer | spryan | 756-2514 | 53-318 | |
Spade, Timothy | Lecturer | spade | None | 53-115 | |
Trunzo, Juliana | Lecturer | jtrunzo | |||
VanderKelen, Jennifer | Lecturer | jvanderk | 574-3015 | 181-301 | |
Weddige, Kristi | Lecturer | kweddige | None | 53-210G |
Graduate Teaching Associates
Name | position | phone | LOCATION |
office hours |
Bachhuber, Owen | Grad Student | obachhub | None | 33-251 | |
Baldwin, Shannon | Grad Student | shcopela | None | 33-351 | |
Butler, Michael | Grad Student | mbutle21 | None | 33-355A | |
Dutta, Hannah | Grad Student | hdutta | None | 33-473 | |
Gonor, Weston | Grad Student | wgonor | None | 33-260 | |
Hanshaw, Faith | Grad Student | fhanshaw | None | 33-260 | |
Ivie, Cole | Grad Student | civie | None | 33-459 | |
Jafari Jozani, Sepanta | Grad Student | sjafarij | None | 53-308 | |
Johnson, Zoe | Grad Student | zjohns14 | None | 33-459 | |
Nielsen, Lily | Grad Student | linielse | None | 33-389 | |
Niknafs, Avin | Grad Student | asniknaf | None | 33-352 | |
Roberts, Max | Grad Student | mrober81 | None | 33-358 & 33-260 | |
Survilas, Rachel | Grad Student | rsurvila | None | 33-260 | |
Williamson, McKenna | Grad Student | mwill131 | None | 33-260 | |
Woodard, Isaiah | Grad Student | iwoodard | None | 33-459 | |
Wuelfing, Skylar | Grad Student | swuelfin | None | 33-358 | |
Yan, Alexander | Grad Student | ayan15 | None | 33-260 |
Name | position | phone | office | |
Keil, David | Emeritus Professor | dkeil | 756-2043 | 33-352A |
Kitts, Christopher L. | Emeritus Professor | ckitts | 756-2949 | 180-533A |
Department Technical Staff
Name | position | phone | office | |
Bersin, Theresa | Instr Support Tech I | tbersin | 756-62505 | 53-109 |
Clendenen, Dave | Instr Support Tech II | dclenden | 756-2712 | 53-310 |
Jacobson, Craig | Instr Support Tech II | cjacobso | 756-7520 | 33-458 |
Merriam, John | Instr Support Tech III | jmmerria | 756-7531 | 53-310 |
Wacker, Mark | Instr Support Tech III | mwacker | 33-466 | |
Willey, Gage | Instr Support Tech I | gwilley | 530-632-4615 | 72 - Conservatory |
College Design & Fabrication Team
Name | position | phone | office | |
Brewster, Doug | CSM Equip Tech III, Electromechanical | dbrewste | 756-2701 | 181 - shop |
Brewster, Rob | CSM Equip Tech III, Electromechanical | rabrewst | 756-2701 | 181 - shop |
Dunham, Kevin | CSM Equip Tech III, Electromechanical | kedunham | 756-2701 | 181 - shop |
Cal Poly Pier
Name | position | phone | office | |
Felton, Jason | Diving Safety Officer | jfelton | 756-6058 | Pier |
Moylan, Tom | Marine Operations Manager | tmoylan | 756-0225 | 25-216 |
Affiliate Faculty, Research Staff & Others
Name | position | phone | office | |
Appleby, Scott | Frost Post Doc | sappleby | 181-407 | |
Carranza, Perla Ramos | Frost Post Doc | pramosca | ||
Castillo, Crystal | Marine Sciences Outreach | ccasti10 | ||
Greenbaum, Shira | Coordinator - CCMS & SRCF | sgreen32 | 756-65376 | 53-218 |
Jandreau, Connor | Conservation Coordinator for the California Central Coast Joint Venture | cjandrea | None | 53-210C |
Jennings, Sarah
Research Fellow | sjenni02 | None | 181-407 |
Johnson, Kevin | CA Sea Grant Extension Specialist for Aquaculture | kjohn263 | None | 53-219 |
Johnston, Erin | CCFRP Statewide Coordinator and Research Scientist | ejohn122 | 756-2950 | 53-114 |
Pearson, Katie | Herbarium Curator | kdpearso | 33-359 | |
Robbins, Ian | Senior Research Scientist, Walter Lab (Physics) | irobbins |
805-756-7131 805-481-1282 |
181-402 |
Vanderkelen, Jennifer | Research Associate, CAB | jvanderk | 756-6174 | 181-301 |
Wang, Yi-Hui | Offshore Energy Postdoctoral | ywang59 | 756-7131 | 53-106 |