Faculty Teaching and Research Interests


invertebrate zoology, functional invertebrate zoology, marine biology, developmental biology and ecological physiology of marine invertebrates, UV photobiology and photochemistry

spatial ecology, movement ecology, conservation biology, habitat ecology, mammalogy, biogeography, wildlife management

cell and molecular biology, microbial pathogenesis, host-pathogen interactions (including molecular mechanisms of disease and the immune response), virology; biology education

human anatomy & physiology, cardiovascular, muscular, and exercise physiology, physiology of tunas and other scombrid fishes, cardiac shunting in crocodilians

             Lauren Chan evolution, molecular ecology, population genomics, phylogeography, conservation biology, herpetology

post-transcriptional and post-translational regulation of gene expression by cell signaling pathways in mammalian cells; epigenetics; gender, race, culture, science & technology

genetics and genomics; molecular biology; bioinformatics and computational biology; genetic counseling and clinical genomics; databases, biocuration, and ontologies

food microbiology, wine microbiology, molecular biology, virology, bacterial pathogenesis, microbial physiology,  biotechnology, emerging infectious diseases, beneficial microbe-host interactions

sensory ecology, community ecology, behavioral ecology, global change biology, plant-animal interactions

Mallary Greenlee-Wacker Host-pathogen interactions, immunology, cell biology, extracellular vesicles, sepsis, and immunology education

evolution, plant evolutionary ecology, speciation, phylogenetics, biodiversity, conservation biology

environmental physiology of marine invertebrates; metabolic effects of intracellular and environmental hypoxia; molecular and physiological adaptations to stress in crustaceans; comparative muscle physiology and energetics; evolution of behavior in crustaceans

on leave

biology education, plant physiology, genetics, bioinformatics

cell biology, genetics, developmental biology, and science education

David J. Keil

plant taxonomy; cytotaxonomy; field botany; plant ecology; biogeography; evolution; rare and endangered plants; California vegetation; systematics of Asteraceae; flora of San Luis Obispo County; floristics of California, Arizona; thistle taxonomy

bacterial physiology; microbial ecology; bacterial energy transduction; biodegradation; microbial ecology in bioremediation; intestinal microbial ecology

plant evolutionary biology; physiology; ecology; statistical methods in biology; photosynthesis; whole genome evolution in plants; plant distribution and abundance in the California flora

Costs and benefits of sexually selected displays and aggressive interactions; costs of mating and resulting trade-offs; evolution in poeciliid fishes, especially the Cuban species Girardinus metallicus; phenotypic plasticity and geographic variation in mating tactics; Host-parasite interactions

environmental endocrinology; behavioral ecology of marine and freshwater fishes; evolution of developmental and behavioral plasticity; endocrine disruption by chemical pollutants;  integration of phenotypic plasticity into new approaches to conservation

Heather Liwanag comparative physiology, thermal biology, physiological ecology, evolutionary physiology, animal behavior; vertebrate biology, especially marine mammals and reptiles
Magdalena Maj neurobiology, gut-brain axis, nutrition, integrative physiology, animal behavior, biochemistry, vaccine development
Nathaniel Martinez HIV-1 assembly: trafficking of HIV-1 Gag and Env proteins in the host cell; point-of-care devices: development of effective, low cost, low tech, portable devices for the quantitative measurement of biological specimens
Population and community ecology of marine plankton; food web interactions involving microzooplankton and viruses; ecology of marine protozoa and viruses; role of planktonic organisms in nutrient cycling
on leave
conservation biology, wildlife management, vertebrate ecology, mammalogy, environmental science, history of biology, relationship between science and policy

geobotany, plant evolutionary ecology, phytoremediation, conservation biology, ethnobotany

botany; plant molecular and developmental biology; plant biotechnology; genetic engineering; agriculture; crop improvement; sustainable agriculture; economic botany; plant ecology; restoration ecology

ecological, demographic, and life history variation in populations; spatial and temporal structure of populations across environmental and anthropogenic gradients; prediction of population and community responses to natural and anthropogenic influences; management of marine systems

neuroendocrinology, animal behavior, environmental physiology, physiology, anatomy

environmental physiology, ecology, animal behavior, herpetology

ecological physiology of marine Invertebrates; proteomics; global climate change; biochemical temperature adaptation


molecular and organismal evolution, molecular systematics, population genetics, conservation genetics, invasion genetics, statistical phylogeography, demography in natural populations, phylochronology, mammalogy and ornithology

medical/veterinary entomology, parasitology, medical bacteriology, tick-borne pathogens of humans and animals

physiology and ecology of marine invertebrate animals including factors that influence larval settlement and metamorphosis, energetics, use of dissolved organic matter, development of non-toxic marine coatings

marine ecology and conservation; fisheries management; ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning of interacting ocean uses; dispersal and population connectivity; K-12 marine science education

immunology, virology, pre-health professionals, public health.

microbial pathogenesis, host-pathogen interactions, general microbiology, medical microbiology, bacterial genetics, molecular biology

food and dairy microbiology, molecular detection and epidemiology of foodborne pathogens, probiotic activities

botany, plant speciation, plant systematics, plant evolution and adaptation, Asteraceae


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